The 15th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE). Global Challenges in Assistive Technology: Research, Policy & Practice. August 27-30, in Bologna, Italy
by Viviana Mendoza
last modified
Great time at the conference in Bologna. The time there gave us the opportunity to meet other researchers and practitioners from academia, service providers and industry from different countries. A place where everyone had a chance to learn about the latest innovations and visionary ideas in the field of assistive technology and where the TAPAS members had a starring role in the session of PATHOLOGICAL SPEECH PROCESSING.
Our presentation in the Conference:
Acoustic features to support the perceptual evaluation of accent production in dysarthric speech.
Viviana Mendoza Ramos, Hector A. Kairuz Hernandez-Diaz, Maria E. Hernandez-Diaz Huici, Heidi Martens, Gwen Van Nuffelen, Marc De Bodt