The 15th International Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe (AAATE). Global Challenges in Assistive Technology: Research, Policy & Practice. August 27-30, in Bologna, Italy

by Viviana Mendoza last modified 2019-11-20T10:10:08+01:00

Great time at the conference in Bologna. The time there gave us the opportunity to meet other researchers and practitioners from academia, service providers and industry from different countries. A place where everyone had a chance to learn about the latest innovations and visionary ideas in the field of assistive technology and where the TAPAS members had a starring role in the session of PATHOLOGICAL SPEECH PROCESSING.

Our presentation in the Conference:

Acoustic features to support the perceptual evaluation of accent production in dysarthric speech.

Viviana Mendoza Ramos, Hector A. Kairuz Hernandez-Diaz, Maria E. Hernandez-Diaz Huici, Heidi Martens, Gwen Van Nuffelen, Marc De Bodt