2021 Organizing Committee Journées de Phonétique Clinique & Reviewing experience

by Timothy Pommée last modified 2021-04-08T16:20:54+01:00
Being unable to travel doesn't mean you can't engage in new and interesting activities and acquire new skills!

TAPAS-crew, long time no see!

In this blog post, I won't dwell on the health crisis context, as we are all experiencing it. I sincerely hope you and your families are all fine, and that you all keep your heads up!

This past year, sadly, no trips or in-person conferences, and no opportunity to enjoy a beer, face-to-face.
Nevertheless, I was able to gain new experiences, two of which I wanted to mention in this post:

I had the pleasure of being part of the organizing committee for the 9th Journées de Phonétique Clinique 2021 (https://www.irit.fr/jpc2021/), which was supposed to take place in Toulouse. Remember one of my previous posts about this conference, which I attended in 2019 in Mons (go Belgium!).
Being part of the organizing committee allowed me to realize what hosting a conference really entails, in terms of administrative procedures, financial aspects, dissemination, management, and the many inevitable reflections and questions (and meetings!) that arise. In the end, and without much surprise, the conference was postponed, and this year's edition - instead of being completely canceled - will be replaced by a 100% online day dedicated to presentations in the field of clinical phonetics and related topics (on the 27th of May 2021). 

A second nice opportunity presented itself to me when I was recommended as a reviewer for the journal Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. I accepted the invitation and completed my first review. It was really interesting to be on the other side of the curtain for once! It was a great chance to realize how the reviewing process works and how much time it takes to submit a thorough review.

I hope you also had nice learning and networking opportunities despite the context. If it is the case, don't hesitate to share with your TAPAS-fellows! :-)

With that, I wish you all the best and leave you with this cute little duckling in the hope of filling up your daily stock (ESRs will understand <3),

Timothy :-)