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Short Biosketch
I'm studying for a Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science at Unversity of Sheffield, in the Speech and Hearing Group. My supervisor is Heidi Christensen.
I finished my B.Eng. in Computer Science at Northeastern University (China) in 2015.
I finished my M.Eng. in Speech Processing Laboratory at Harbin Institute of Technology (China) in 2017. My research direction was Speaker Verification.
Research Interests
Speech based Dementia Detection, Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning
Conference Papers
- Yilin Pan, Venkata Srikanth Nallanthighal, Daniel Blackburn, Heidi Christensen, Aki H\"arm\"a, Multi-task Estimation of Age and Cognitive Decline from Speech. In the Prof. of ICASSP, in Toronto, Canada, 2021. [link]
- Yilin Pan, Bahman Mirheidari, Markus Reuber, Annalena Venneri, Daniel Blackburn, Heidi Christensen, Improving detection of Alzheimer’s Disease using automatic speech recognition to identify high-quality segments for more robust feature extraction. In the Prof. of Interspeech, in Shanghai, China, 2020. [link]
- Yilin Pan, Bahman Mirheidari, Zehai Tu, Ronan O’Malley, Traci Walker, Annalena Venneri, Markus Reuber, Daniel Blackburn, Heidi Christensen, Acoustic Feature Extraction with Interpretable Deep Neural Network for Neurodegenerative related Disorder Classification. Online Presentation. In the Prof. of Interspeech, in Shanghai, China, 2020. [link]
- Yilin Pan, Bahman Mirheidari, Markus Reuber, Annalena Venneri, Daniel Blackburn,Heidi Christensen, Automatic Hierarchical Attention Neural Network for Detecting AD. Poster. In the Prof. of Interspeech, in Graz, Austria, 2019. [link]
Mirheidari, Bahman, Yilin Pan, Traci Walker, Markus Reuber, Annalena Venneri, Daniel Blackburn, and Heidi Christensen. "Detecting Alzheimer's Disease by estimating attention and elicitation path through the alignment of spoken picture descriptions with the picture prompt." arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.00515 (2019).[link]
- Yilin Pan, Tieran Zheng, Chen Chen, I-vector Kullback-Leibler Divisive Normalization for PLDA Speaker Verification. oral, in the Proc. of IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (global SIP), in Montreal, Canada, 2017. [link]
- Nicholas Cummins, Yilin Pan, Zhao Ren, Julian Fritsch, Venkata Srikanth Nallanthighal, Heidi Christensen, Daniel Blackburn, Björn W Schuller, Mathew Magimai-Doss, Helmer Strik, Aki Härmä, A comparison of acoustic and linguistics methodologies for Alzheimer’s dementia recognition. In the Prof. of Interspeech, in Shanghai, China, 2020. [link]
- Chen Chen, Jiqing Han, Yilin Pan, Speaker Verification via Estimating Total Variability Space Using Probabilistic Partial Least Squares. in the Prof. of Interspeech, in Stockholm, Sweden, 2017. [link]
- Chun-Hyok, Pak, Zhao Hai, Zhu Hongbo, and Pan Yilin. "A novel motion detection approach based on the improved ViBe algorithm." In 2016 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), pp. 7081-7086. IEEE, 2016.[link]