I'm a speech and language therapist, PhD student since september 2018 at the I.R.I.T. in Toulouse. I got my Master's degree in Belgium, specialized in voice therapy. My current research topic is the clinical relevance of speech intelligibility measures in an oncological context. Timothy Pommée
Research Interests
Voice, dysphonia, acoustic voice analysis, phonation; Speech, speech intelligibility measures, acoustic phonetics; Speech and language pathology, speech and language therapy.Publications
Pommée, T., Maryn, Y., Finck, C., & Morsomme, D. (2018). Validation of the Acoustic Voice Quality Index, Version 03.01, in French. Journal of Voice, 34(4), 646.E11-646.E26.
Pommée, T., Maryn, Y., Finck, C., & Morsomme, D. (2018). The Acoustic Voice Quality Index, Version 03.01, in French and the Voice Handicap Index. Journal of Voice, 34(4), 646.E1-646.E10.
Pommée, T., Balaguer, M., Mauclair, J., Pinquier, J., & Woisard, V. (2020). Assessment of adult speech disorders: current situation and needs in French-speaking clinical practice. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology.
Pommée, T., Balaguer, M., Pinquier, J., Mauclair, J., Woisard, V., & Speyer, R. (2021). Relationship between phoneme-level spectral acoustics and speech intelligibility in healthy speech: A systematic review. Speech, Language and Hearing.
Balaguer, M., Pommée, T., Farinas, J., Pinquier, J., Woisard, V., & Speyer, R. (2019). Effects of oral and oropharyngeal cancer on speech intelligibility using acoustic analysis: Systematic review. Head & Neck, 42(1), 111-130.
Pommée, T, Woisard, V, Mauclair, J, Pinquier, J. Pertinence clinique des mesures d’intelligibilité de la parole (poster). In : Ecole d’été en Logopédie-Orthophonie (EDE 2019), Liège Université, 01/07/2019-05/07/2019.
Pommée, T, Mauclair, J, Woisard, V, Farinas, J, Pinquier, J. Génération de la « banane de la parole » en vue d’une évaluation objective de l’intelligibilité (poster). In : Journées de Phonétique Clinique (JPC 2019), Université de Mons, 14/05/2019-16/05/2019, Véronique DELVAUX, Kathy HUET, Myriam PICCALUGA, Bernard HARMEGNES (Eds.), CIPA : Centre international de Phonétique Appliquée, p. 107-108, mai 2019.
Pommée, T., Woisard, V. (2019). Le bilan vocal instrumentalisé. In : Journées de la Thérapeutique de la Voix - Phonochirurgie chez les professionnels de la voix : tout un programme ! , Institut Portmann, Lyon, 15/11/2019-16/11/2019.